Abundant Living

Learn how to walk with God, how to discover His love for you. Learn how to express your love for Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This month I would like to share with you something my cousin Donna wrote in her diary after she accepted Jesus as her Savior. She came from a family that rarely attended church and did not believe much in the Bible, so she was not familiar with Christian things. It was a new experience to know God. The Holy Spirit taught Donna much even before she began going to church. This excerpt will show you what a marvelous experience it is to really know God. Donna died last March, and her daughter Roxanne found this diary, which her mom had written in during the first few years after she was converted. Your friend, Rosemary

Friday, October 13, 1976
This is to be my daily letter of the heart. I will try to report faithfully what my heart says. As of today my heart is safe with Lord Jesus and thru Him with My Father in heaven. I know this by the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

It has taken much soul-rattling for me to have arrived in my present condition. If I were more obedient I would be in an even better condition. But I begin to see that this is probably the major concern of any Christian.

What is a Christian? To me it is someone who has been saved from sin (all the past deeds of his old nature) thru faith in the Lord, thereafter revealed as Jesus Christ. This salvation and this faith are gifts from the Divine and are not a part of the nature of the person saved, lest he should boast of it.

The saved person is given a new nature, and for me, at first, it was a miraculous one. For three weeks or more I loved vibrantly everyone I came into contact with. I know that it lit up my countenance and they noticed it. It was as easy as pie to put my light on a candlestick for all to see. In my new nature my mind and heart were at great peace and they were not divided. All intents were focused on the Lord’s will and it was my delight to obey and speak of it. All thoughts were happy, hopeful, kind, truthful, loving, piercing and unaffected by outside opinions or circumstances.

This I call the grace of God. Gradually as temptations, sufferings and the world intruded, this beautiful new nature has given way to a more earthly one. This is because of spiritual truancy, disobedience, procrastinations, worldly enticements, and other tricks of the devil which conspire against the high aims of souls in love with God. But I still belong to God and love Him.

Christians need each other. Therefore, they must go where other Christians are, which is to church. Christians need much prayer, by themselves and with others. Daily they must read the Bible for the Word of God feeds them.

I have prayed a few times with Roxanne (my daughter), each time with good results. Once about school attendance, once about her father, and once at mealtime (which gave her the desire to lay open her heart about something – which she said she was glad she did), and once just in general a prayer which had a good effect.

It is so hard that prayers and clean thoughts expressed and mention of Lord Jesus and Our Father in heaven are things not wanting to be heard on earth by unsaved people."

– Donna Dolce, born again on September 10, 1976