Abundant Living

Learn how to walk with God, how to discover His love for you. Learn how to express your love for Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Friday, July 04, 2008


All who have received Jesus as Savior must accept Him also as the LORD and Master of their lives. Most of us have done this, but we need to have an attitude of "Yes, Lord" as we go about our daily tasks. The Holy Spirit will be telling us something we should do (or not do). In our inner spirit we need to be ready to say, "Yes, Lord," and obey the Spirit’s leading.

This is an essential attitude that we need to have as we come to church. We hear much important Bible teaching, but does it do us any good?

Check your heart as you listen. Are you just learning facts and maybe getting sleepy as you listen?

We don’t need more information about the Bible if we are not immediately surrendering ourselves to obey it. Hearing something new will just harden our hearts if we are inwardly thinking, "Not me, Lord. I can’t do that."

It is good to adopt a "Yes, Lord" attitude whenever we listen to Bible teaching. This gives us a humble and teachable spirit. Then we will be able to really change. Even when we are home alone, reading the Bible in our daily Quiet Time, our hearts should be saying, "Yes, Lord. I will do whatever you are telling me to do."

This is something I began to do at Bible college when I was young. I had been a believer since age ten, but there were a lot of things the Lord needed to change about me. At Prairie I learned that when God spoke to me, I should say "Yes, Lord."

This is the only thing that enables us to grow as Christians. God is not going to invade our lives and suddenly force us to live more like Christ. He is waiting for us to say inwardly, "Yes, Lord, I will change. I will do what you say."

When Saul was on the Damascus road and heard Jesus speak to him, he said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" (Acts 9:6) The Holy Spirit was moving into his life, and he surrendered by faith.

Thereafter his life was changed and Saul became the great teacher Paul. Why was he able to grow spiritually and teach others about Jesus? Because he learned to always say to God, "Yes, Lord. I will do whatever you ask of me."

Often we sit in church listening to sermons and inwardly think, "That is for other Christians to do. No, Lord, I don’t want to change. I’m getting along just fine being a quiet Christian. I don’t want to witness or memorize Scripture. It’s just impossible for me." Sometimes I get too involved in taking notes and I don’t listen carefully to the Holy Spirit when He speaks to me.

When we start saying, "Yes, Lord," we will find the power of God invading our lives and helping us grow spiritually as we obey Him. We will have the strength and motivation to do the things God wants us to do.

Are you a "Yes, Lord" Christian? How long has it been since you truly surrendered to God and said silently, "Yes, LORD! I will step out in faith and obey you."

This is something we need to do every day of our lives – surrender to God and really mean it when we say, "Yes, LORD!"