Abundant Living

Learn how to walk with God, how to discover His love for you. Learn how to express your love for Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

My heart aches for God's people as they have been forced to evacuate their settlements in Gaza. When will they ever find justice and peace? It will only be when they turn to their Messiah Jesus. God is calling them to Himself, and we must pray that they will turn to Him for mercy and grace.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!


Though Israel suffers violence now,
the time of her deliverance will come.
God will rescue His chosen people.
Israel is His anointed one.

The time will come when all the earth
will be filled with the glory of the Lord.
As the waters fill the sea to the brim,
all people will know the truth of God’s Word.

The Lord is in His holy temple.
Let all the earth be silent before Him.
The righteous will live by their faith in Christ,
for in mercy God will deal with our sin.

Rejoice in the Lord! God is our strength.
Write His message so everyone may hear.
Though the world is troubled by violence and war,
those who trust in Jesus need not fear.

© Rosemary Watson 2003
Habakkuk 2:14, 20

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Do you have peace with God today? Although we have sinned, we can be reconciled with him. He wants to be our heavenly Father and our best friend. But we can't earn this by good works. Come to God in humility and repentence, and He will forgive all that you have done. He will justify us by our faith in Him. Jesus paid it all, that we might be freed from our sin and from our past. Trust Him today.


Therefore being justified by faith,
we now have peace with God.
Through faith we have access into His presence
and are delivered from the wrath of His rod.

By His grace we stand and rejoice in hope,
though we pass through tribulation.
Our trials produce patient endurance
and even bring divine revelation.

Through our trials we gain experience and hope.
Because of Jesus we shall not be ashamed.
When we had no strength, Jesus died for us
that for sin we need not be blamed.

The love of God has reached our hearts
by the Spirit of God within.
We are no longer under condemnation.
Praise Jesus! We are saved through Him.

© Rosemary Watson 2002
Romans 5:1-8