Abundant Living

Learn how to walk with God, how to discover His love for you. Learn how to express your love for Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


In 2 Corinthians 2:14 God says that He can cause us always to triumph in life as He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ by us in every place. Have you ever met a Christian who made you feel the presence of God? A sweet fragrance flowed through them, causing you to want to know God better. I have known a few people like that.

This fragrance is not something we can work up on our own. We must be a broken vessel, completely yielded to the Lord. The best illustration of this is in John 12:1-8 where Mary poured a costly ointment on the feet of Jesus and the fragrance filled the house. In Mark 14:3 we read that she broke the alabaster box and poured the ointment on Jesus’ head as well.

Mary gave her all, the most expensive, precious thing she possessed. The alabaster box was broken that the fragrance might pour out in abundance on the one she loved. God must break us and cause us to be completely surrendered to His purposes before He can use us greatly.

God loves the broken and contrite heart, but he resists the proud (James 4:6). Sometimes we are unconsciously proud of the fine Christian life we have lived. But God cannot use us until we are broken before Him, truly conscious of our need.

At the recent Fullness Conference at our church, Tom Elliff gave an inspiring message on this subject. Some of his main points about the fragrance of brokenness were:

1. It "permeates the atmosphere." Broken people (like Manley Beasley) have a special fragrance in their lives. Can people tell you are broken and fully yielded to the purposes of God?

2. It "penetrates everything." Such people can say things in love and gentleness that get under our skin, things we cannot forget.

3. The fragrance of brokenness "perplexes" people who are not broken before God. Worldly Christians and lost people cannot understand why the presence of God flows through those who are totally yielded to Him.

4. Christ’s fragrance has "permanence." It leaves a permanent impact on lives in a way that our logical, intellectual witness can never do.

5. Brokenness "plunders us." It takes everything we have and lays it before Jesus. It costs everything. It breaks down our cold, logical approach to life. It trusts God completely. When we come to the end of our own strength, it is a relief to be broken, because then God really takes over. He begins to use us in new ways.

Brokenness is the first step toward revival. When the hard ground of our inner spirit is broken up, the seed of faith will spring up in new life. God will be able to flow through us in greater power. Our words will touch the hearts of the unsaved, and they will sense the fragrance of the love of God flowing through us.

I have seen this happen in some people. Now I want this fragrance to flow through my own life, whatever the cost. How about you?

I am too logical and unemotional. I like being in control. When we are totally yielded to Christ, our churches will be filled with the power of God, and America will be changed. It must begin with you and me.